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High Expectations

 CAP Element 2.D.2 

To be considered proficient in this CAP Element, a teacher candidate must "effectively model and reinforce ways that students can master challenging material through effective effort, rather than having to depend on innate ability" (Guidelines for the Candidate Assessment of Performance). 





         Perhaps it's because of the almost 2 years of remote learning, but some of my students give up at the slightest bit of inconvenience or challenge. I believe all my students are capable of excelling at whatever they put their minds to. However, a lot of the time, my students don't have the self-confidence to push through a challenge. 

         One thing I try to instill in my students is that practice makes progress. You can't get better at something if you don't work at it. When I do my rounds and a student has a question for me, I first ask how they would do it. Regardless of if it's completely right or not, I have the student explain to me their thinking. More often than not, the student will answer their own question, which goes to show that they are capable. A lot of my students just need someone to expect good things from them, a little positive nudge. I offer encouragement and support while also making sure that the student is rising to their potential. 



Feedback from Practicum Supervisor and Supervising Practitioner

  • Cindy has made a sincere effort to address the students who are struggling within her classes & offer more one-to-one time to help get them back on track, rise to their potential, & meet with academic success.

  • Cindy continues to set high expectations including that most students will meet their design goals at their own pace. She circulates around the room offering encouragement, feedback, & additional ideas for design as needed.  

  • Cindy connects with most students on an individual basis to ensure that students are on task; answer their questions; and motivate them to focus on their projects. 

Practice Makes Progress (Mistakes are OK!)


The survey results for question 1 for my CADD I classes (A-block, E-block, and G-block, respectively). Most of my students either strongly agree or agree that I demonstrate that mistakes are a part of learning and that mistakes shouldn't hinder your progress. 


The survey results for question 1 for my Engineering Principles and MakerSpace classes, respectively. All of my engineering students either strongly agree or agree that I demonstrate that mistakes are a part of learning.

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